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Mental Health Training

Mental Health First Aid Training

  1. MHFA England accredited half day session raises awareness of Mental Health read more

  2. Level 1 and 2 Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health read more

  3. Level 3 Award in Supervising First Aid for Mental Health read more

Mental Health First Aid

Coaching Psychologists

Our team of Psychologists apply psychological theories and concepts to  coach individuals.
Its aim is to increase performance, achievement and well-being in individuals, teams and organisations by utilising evidence-based methods grounded in scientific research.

Mental Health Awareness

 Mental Health Awareness Training. This Mental Health Awareness Training raises awareness of ill-mental health (particularly stress, depression and anxiety), provides tools and guidance for daily wellbeing-management, and aims to remove the stigma surrounding mental health.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Therapies

Working with our team to explore various therapies in your workplace. As an example
Acceptance and commitment therapy.

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Men & Mental Health

Find out about the stigma that some men with mental health issues can face. A short and sweet session that brings to life the real challenges that men face in and outside of the workplace and how to help them to work through these challenges.

Mental Health Therapies

Managing Trauma & Suicide

Helping our learners to understand how to respond positively to support recovery and avoid re-traumatisation. Identifying ways to support those affected most effectively.

Individual Learning

Working with our team to explore the following in your workplace.  Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Substance Misuse, Havening Techniques, Mediation Practices.

Mental Health Learning

Wellness Workshops

Helping your team 
Nutrition and Healthy Eating, Sleeping and Stress, Yoga Perspectives, Mindfulness.

Wellness Workshops

Reducing Parental Conflict

This programme seeks to help parents reduce conflict in the hopes that this can improve their child's upbringing.
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If you would like to talk about the Services we offer please call us on 0345 4599710 or send us an email at

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