Recruitment Process
Session Overview
Recruiting the right candidate for the right job role is the foundation for acquiring a happier, motivated, and successful team. Managers and businesses who fail to implement a successful recruitment process will experience a loss in productivity, wasted time and incur large financial costs due to high staff turnover.
Who’s it For?
For managers with limited experience of recruitment. The training develops skills and confidence in interviewing new team members, to produce an accurate assessment, as well as understanding the whole selection process.
What’s Covered?
Effective recruitment and selection
Selection methods. What are the different selection methods and why do we use them? What are their pros and cons? Fully understand the different type of selection methods, how they can be used, how to use different ones and why we might use them in recruitment.
Cost of poor recruitment decisions. Poor recruitment can cost money, so it is important to know how to make the right decisions. Know what the consequences of poor recruitment are, how to avoid them and how to fix them when they happen.
Role of manager and HR. Do you know the role of the managers and human resources in the recruitment process? Be able to confidently explain the responsibilities of both these roles, the consequences when they aren’t involved and what happens when something goes wrong.
Effective questions
Types of questions to use at an interview. How many different interview questions do you know? How effective are they? Be able to identify and ask the strongest questions based on the situation given. Understand why these questions are strong and what different types mean.
Applying questions to build rapport. What is rapport? How do you build it? Understand how to build rapport with people around you and be able to confidently explain why this is so important.
Recognizing questions to avoid and why. What questions are bad? Why do we avoid some questions? Understand what questions NOT to ask and know how to adapt your questions to different situations.
Making the decision
Evaluating and rating. How important is evaluating in the process? Why is it so important and how do you effectively evaluate someone? Fully understand why we have to evaluate and rate candidates, what effect this has and the pros and cons.
Recommending the next stage. What is the next stage? Do you know what a candidate has to do to progress? Be able to recognize the level in which candidates are able to reach and how to evaluate them to progress them to the next stage.
Using a rating scale. What is a rating sale and how do you use it? Understand the rating scale and how to use it for different candidates. Be able to fully explain why the rating scale is used and how effective it is in recruitment.
Active listening and notes
Active listening, reflecting back. Do you know how to listen and reflect? Understand why listening is a valuable skill and why reflecting back on a candidate can help you make a choice. Be able to confidently explain why we should listen and reflect and what positive effects it has on recruitment.
Note taking. How effective do you think note-taking is? Evaluate the process and understand why it is a necessary action when recruiting a team. Be able to explain what note-taking is and what situations are best to use this skill.
Session Benefits
Recognized the importance of adopting a structured recruitment process as well as the use of relevant selection methods
Prepared for a first stage selection interview to ensure they create the right first impressions and candidate engagement
Workshops are delivered by experienced training and development professionals.
Date & Venue
Date will be agreed once booking has been confirmed.
This training course can be run at your premises or we can provide a training venue.
Contact Details
For more information and costs please contact us on 0345 4599710 or email