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Managing Redundancy Programmes


It is a difficult decision to make and even tougher conversation to have, especially when the employee(s) has been a valuable member of your workforce for some time and has done nothing but work hard. 

However, redundancy is a business decision that, often, can’t be avoided and many people are understanding of this as long as it is proceeded with in the correct way. 

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important that you are aware of the appropriate procedures and the rights of the employee so that there are no repercussions further down the line. 


Who’s it For? 


  • HR managers, HR directors, managers, directors, and project managers with responsibility for restructuring and change programs. 

  • Employment Relations staff and all other staff with responsibility for input and management of restructuring and redundancy programs.


What’s Covered? 



  • What is redundancy? Be able to confidently explain what redundancy is, how it affects people in different ways and how to prepare for redundancy and any situation that may arise from the result of making someone redundant. 

  • Alternatives to redundancy. Understand that there are alternatives to redundancy and be able to explain what these alternatives are, who they affect and how the different alternative can have an effect on you and your business. 

  • Offering alternative employment. It is important to support employees after redundancy. Understand that it is beneficial to offer alternatives, why it is so beneficial and how they may help people affected by redundancy. 



  • What is TUPE? Have a solid understanding of what TUPE is, how it works and why it is sometimes necessary to outsource. 

  • What is outsourcing? Be able to confidently explain what outsourcing is, why some companies may choose to outsource and the pros and cons of TUPE outsourcing. 

Supporting Staff 

  • Planning for redundancies. Understand why we have to plan for redundancies and how to prepare for them. Know how to respond when they do happen and be able to support victims of redundancy. 

  • Support ‘survivors’ of redundancy. It is important to support the people who have not yet been affected. Know how to effectively support the ‘survivors’ of redundancy and why it is so important to support people who have been affected. 

  • Communicating difficult messages. How do you break difficult news? It is important to know how to be sensitive when relaying bad news and why it is so important. 



  • Notice payments. What are notice payments? Understand what these payments are, how they affect your business and your team and be able to confidently explain how they work. 

  • Statutory redundancy. What is statutory redundancy? Understand how statutory redundancy affects people and be able to accurately explain why we may have to make someone redundant. 

Session Benefits


  • Explain the relevant laws applicable to redundancy 

  • Plan for redundancies and support those selected 

  • Support the survivors of redundancy 

  • Learn techniques to communicate difficult messages confidently 

  • Develop a personal action plan 

Date & Venue

Date will be agreed once booking has been confirmed.
This training course can be run at your premises or we can provide a training venue.

Contact Details

For more information and costs please contact us on 0345 4599710 or email

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