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Diversity & Equality in the Workplace
Did you know...
"41 per cent of white women and 38 per cent of Bangladeshi men work part-time as opposed to only 7 per cent of white men" *

So why should we have a diverse workforce?
It’s healthy to have a great mix of ages, genders and religious beliefs, etc in the mix of your team. Evidence indicates that organisations which are serious about diversity show better overall financial performance.
The Chartered Institute for Personnel Development believes that there are three reasons to have a diverse workforce above and beyond the obvious compliance case.
They are:
People issues
Market competitiveness
Corporate reputation
Organisations which have diversity embedded into their cultures will be the winners in the end by attracting a rich selection of employees, clients and suppliers to work with them.
People Vision HR can help you in the following ways:
Devise a Diversity Strategy and ensure it meets business objectives.
Design guidelines for line managers to help them respond appropriately to diversity needs.
Link diversity management to other initiatives such as Investors in People, induction, appraisal and total quality management.
Assist in any cross-cultural working if your organisation works globally.
Introduce workplace behavior standards.
Devise a communications strategy that engages all stakeholders.
Train line managers about diversity, aiming to help them understand the issues and drive them into organisational and operational policies and practices.
People Vision HR are here to help so call us on 0345 4599710 or email
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