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Tips and Advice for Team Away Days

Whether you're discussing a new project, agreeing long-term strategy, or keen to get your team to build stronger relationships, a Team Awayday can be a really valuable use of time.

It can also be a nightmare of warring egos, infighting, lacklustre attitude and increased stress levels.

So, if you're planning an Awayday, read these Top 10 Tips to ensure you make the most of your investment of time and money.

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  1. Be clear and specific about what you aim to achieve.  (Go-karting is rarely the answer)

  2. Ask for suggestions and include the team in planning and preparing for the day.

  3. Don't approach your awayday in the same way you would a team meeting, otherwise you'll just end up with another team meeting.

  4. Bring in external speakers or presenters, even if they are only from different departments in your organisation. This helps to break team habits and freshen up people's thinking.

  5. Get out of the office. This doesn't have to be a fancy hotel or on the top of a mountain, but a change of venue will bring about a change of mindset.

  6. If you fix a weird grin on your face and write "fun" on a flipchart, it'll have the exact opposite effect.

  7. Do something nice, and out of the ordinary – good food, goodie bags, daft gifts, etc all cheer people up and make them feel valued.

  8. Run a special awards ceremony or prize-giving : serious or comedy, they'll still have people clapping and cheering

  9. Allow people plenty of time to chat and build alliances.  Not every minute of a team awayday needs to be high-impact activity.

  10. Capture and circulate all the work generated on the day. Hold people accountable for delivery and do what you can to sustain the energy and enthusiasm of the day.One more:Say thank you and well done to everyone who took part in the planning, preparation, delivery and outcomes of the day.

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