Why Attend?
Before the Covid pandemic, the number of women in the labour force was at a record high of 72%. However, the pandemic has not affected men and women’s roles equally. The Women and Equalities Committee’s February 2021 report on the gendered impact of Covid found women were at higher risk of job loss and less likely to have received discretionary top ups on the furlough scheme. In addition, it found that mothers were more likely than fathers to ask to be furloughed. ONS data shows that the highest percentage of job losses is amongst women aged between 25 -34 years old, these are the peak child-bearing years. At People Vision we want to support diversity in organisations and help build a healthy diverse talent pipeline. Keeping mothers in the workforce is one way that you can help us, to help you, to achieve this.
After this session, you will be able to:
‘Matrescence’ - the process of becoming a mother.
How maternity leave affects women’s careers.
Why it is difficult for some women to return to work after maternity leave.
Meet our speaker, Frances Cushway:
Frances is a maternity coach who aims to inspire women to discover their individuality so that they have the courage to be themselves and make their unique contribution to the world. She has studied psychology and spent the last 25 years pursuing a passion for what makes people tick, the decisions we make and how this affects our careers. She has undertaken some fascinating work drawing a bridge between the physiological and psychological changes of motherhood and the impact this has professionally, coaching mothers through making the right decisions for them. Her work is recognised by the CDI In 2018 and 2021, where she is on the Register of Career Development for Professionals, who shortlisted her for Career Coach of the Year.