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Session Overview


No matter how productive, efficient or close-knit a team is, disagreements and conflict are inevitable and when they occur, work stalls. However, this session is here to help. An interactive workshop, it focuses on how people managers can resolve conflicts and get a team back on track. The session addresses what can be done, how it can be done and its outcomes.


Who’s it For?


This session will benefit anyone involved in leading a team, such as managers, and team members who wish to minimise conflict and have the confidence and skills to deal with it efficiently when it does arise.

What’s Covered?

What is Conflict?
  • ​Understanding what conflict is and why it occurs

  • How to spot conflict in your team

  • Understanding your conflict style and how this affects your approach

What is the Science Behind Mediation?


  • ​What are the psychological theories that shape how we deal with conflict

  • What are the benefits to your staff, team and the business of dealing with conflict

What is the Process for Dealing with Conflict?


  • ​When to step in, when to leave it

  • 5 steps to use for dealing with conflict

  • 3 key skills to a successful outcome

  • Your role as manager, who owns the problem, who owns the solution

  • When to call in the experts

Practice Makes Perfect
  • ​Some short role-plays to help you practice managing process and when to use what skills.

  • Feedback from your colleagues

  • Dealing with specific questions


Session Benefits


  • Understand conflict and why it can arise. 

  • Recognises conflicts and those involved.

  • Learn the science behind mediation and then the skills required to put it into practice.

  • Resolve conflict and help your team push forward as a cohesive unit. 

Date & Venue

Date will be agreed once booking has been confirmed.
This training course can be run at your premises or we can provide a training venue.

Contact Details

For more information and costs please contact us on 0345 4599710 or email

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