BREXIT – Helping the “Training Manager” plan the Training Agenda post Brexit
Britain is due its formal exit from the European Union set on 29 March 2019, EEEEK it isn’t long. Someone better get planning! But what can you actually do?
Your HR team should be working on some workforce planning, busy with audits and filling gaps but as a “Training Manager” your role doesn’t really kick in yet.
We thought we would help you with a few tips on helping you to be slightly readier when the date finally arrives. Remembering you are going to need your Key Talent trained and ready to continue delivering on your business plan to ensure delivery to customers/stakeholders/partners over this challenging time.

Some organisations are very worried regarding Brexit, some are not so affected and remain unclear of what the impact will be. So what key steps do we recommend for the training team? Some will appeal to you some may not - but have a look at the following which could give you a good steer for your organisation.
1. Know Your Workforce
Working with the HR team to understand what the landscape looks like for the existing workforce.
2. Considering internal and external factors to your organisation - Carry out a PESTLE Analysis.
3. Scenario Planning and Risk Assessment
Try to consider the top scenarios that may affect your organisation and weight the likelihood of occurrence - this assists you to review options sooner rather than later and to challenge assumptions.
Compare the current workforce strategy with what you may require in the future and create an action plan for change.
4. How to Address Training Gaps
Build skill rather than buy them - Developing internal resource through succession planning of your existing teams to meet promotions/opportunities more quickly.
Working with the Line Managers - Be aware of what gaps they anticipate.
Be ready for redeployment - Consider upskilling different teams with spare time to deliver projects.
Improve retention - Be the place people are dying to work for – create learning initiatives which are held intermittently over a number of months so that employees value them and will motivate them stay connected with your organisation for longer.
Automatisation - Getting close to IT and other key business partners to establish what is at risk of automation and enquiring how the training team can support this.
Think of the Individuals - With potentially big changes, increased workloads and talent gaps coming to the workplace consider what Managerial, Leadership or Personal skills is your workforce going to need?
The outcome of Brexit is still very unclear at this stage, the very best you can do is to be slightly ahead of the game with plans in place and at least know where your organisation and Training Team stands.
We hope you enjoyed our article please call us on 0345 4599710 or email where we will be happy to support you.